Butler Family Records

A workspace for information and links concerning the descendants of Thomas Butler (1674-1747, South Berwick, Maine) and related family lines.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Excerpt from A History Of The Puget Sound Country, Vol. 1

by Col. William Farrand Prosser, The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago, 1903, pp 478-9:


Edward Everett Butler, M.D.

From no professional man do we expect or exact so many of the cardinal virtues as from the physician. If the clergyman is austere we imagine that his mind is absorbed with the contemplation of things beyond our ken; if our lawyer is brusque and crabbed it is the mark of genius: but in the physician we expect not only superior mentality and comprehensive knowledge but sympathy as wide as the universe. Dr. Butler in large measure meets all of these requirements, and is an ideal physician. He is, indeed, the loved family doctor in many a household., and the value of his service to the community cannot be overestimated.

Dr. Butler is a native son of the Evergreen state, his birth having occurred in Rock Creek, this state January 5, 1866, being a son of Norman F. and Rebecca (Westfall) Butler, the former a native of Maine and the latter of Virginia. The father, who is descended from an old New England family, is a retired contractor and builder residing in Walla Walla, and has now reached the seventy-fifth milestone on the journey of life. The mother who was a representative of a prominent southern family, died in 1886, at the age of forty-eight years. In the family of Mr. And Mrs. Butler were two children, the daughter being Stella, the wife of J. H. Kauffman, city marshal of Walla Walla.

Edward Everett Butler received his elementary education in the public schools of Walla Walla, and later became a student in Whitman College of that city. Completing his literary education at the age of eighteen years, he then began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. J. F. Cropp, at Walla, and in September, 1886, entered the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia where he graduated on the 3d of April, 1889 with the degree of M. D. Returning thence to Washington, he settled on Fidalgo Island, and in 1893 came to Anacortes and entered upon the practice of his chosen calling, in which he has continued with success to the present time.

The marriage of Dr. Butler was celebrated in November, 1890 when Miss Catherine M. Benn became his wife. She is a native of the state of Kansas and a daughter of Frank and Mary Benn. Four children have blessed this union: Edward Everett, a lad of eleven years; Amy Marie, six years of age; Marcus, four years of age; and Arthur, a babe of ten months. In his political affiliations Dr. butler is a Republican, and has always taken an active interest in local and state politics. In 1894, he was the choice of his fellow townsmen for the position of city councilman, in which position he served for two years, and on the expiration of that period, in 1896, was made the mayor of Anacortes, filling the latter office with efficiency for one year. From 1897 until 1898 he again served as a councilman, and from 1893 until 1902, by successive re-elections, held the position of health officer. Thus it will be seen that he has taken an active interest in the advancement and promotion of the best interests of his locality, and in 1902 he was elected to represent the fifty-first district in the state legislature, serving during the past session. In his fraternal relations the Doctor is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Woodmen of the World, the Independent Order of Foresters, the Knights of the Maccabees and the Eagles. In all the varied relations of life he has been honorable, sincere and trustworthy, and is winning the praise and admiration of all who are associated with him in any manner.


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